So, like a weary battlefield messenger staggering back to base from the front line, only to find that someone has already phoned ahead with all the news, I will assume you already know the basics. That Heston Blumenthal, Britain's most brilliant and experimental chef, held out for years against opening in London, before agreeing to take over the prime space formerly occupied by Foliage in Knightsbridge's Mandarin Oriental Hotel. And that Dinner, only Blumenthal's second restaurant proper, is very much not The Fat Duck 2.0. The cutting-edge scientific techniques and madcap playfulness which characterise both his cooking style and his TV work have been set aside, in favour of a scholarly drilling down into British food tradition."
'Hatchet' Gerard Kavanagh shot dead in Costa del Sol pub
Gerard Kavanagh was shot dead in a bar on the Costa del Sol Notorious
gangster Gerard “Hatchet” Kavanagh was gunned down by two masked assassins